UK Senior or Specialist Worker Visa

The Senior or Specialist Worker visa is for overseas workers who are undertaking temporary work assignments in the UK. The worker must be a senior manager or specialist employee in that overseas company. On this particular visa, an employee must be assigned to a UK business, which is linked to their overseas employer. The main applicant can be accompanied by a partner/children (under 18 years) to the UK on this visa.

The eligibility for a UK Senior or Specialist Worker Visa is listed below:

  • Have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship from the UK employer.
  • Have worked for an overseas employer.
  • Do a job that is on the list of eligible occupations.
  • Be paid the minimum eligible salary required for that particular job role (you must be paid at least £42,400 or the ‘going rate’ for that particular job role – whichever is higher).

Please note: A Senior or Specialist Worker visa applicant does not need to satisfy the English language requirement.